1. Mamma extending her hand towards me
2. Spirit in my place
3. The daughter of Jairus
4. Zilla standing with her hand in mine
5. Aunt Helen
6. Only a head and bust!
7. Catherine
8. Charlie embracing me
9. Tommy’s grandmother
10. Mrs. Tebb and her sister
11. Rev. Mr. B. and his wife
12. The wife of Manoah
13. Dr. Cargill and his ancestor
14. Catherine Emily
15. Dr. Cargill and St. John the Evangelist
16. Rose Hudson & her cousin Harry Graham
17. John Robertson, Esq., and his child
18. Miss Hudson (the Clairvoyante) and spirit
19. the Day-Star
20. Mrs. Ramsay and Motee
21. Geraldine Cope
22. Mrs. Clarke (of California) and spirit
23. Maurice Joseph, Esq., and spirits
24. Captain Fawcett, R. N., and son
25. Mrs. Guppy, Tommy and Katie
26. Spirit, with American photographs
27. Mr. Howitt and his daughter, with spirit of his son
28. Mrs. Tebb, Mrs. Guppy, and myself
29. Angels and box of treasures
30. Mamma, with Passion-week and Easter symbol
31. Spanish gentleman and his mother
32. Alexander Calder, Esq., and spirits
33. Arthur Vacher, Esq., his cousin, and the spirit Apelles
34. Mrs. Everitt and W.P. Adshead, Esq., with spirit
35. Joan of Arc
36. Mrs. Burke and her sister Louisa
37. Captain Phillips and his mother
38. J. Gladwyn Jebb, Esq., with rays or bars of light
39. N.T. Martheze, Esq., and his mother
40. Joseph Ivemey, jun., Esq., and spirit (test picture)
41. Colonel Steuart and his brother
42. Captain Ainger and his aunt, Mrs. Coleman
43. Mr. Herne and his double
44. The unclad spirit
45. Alas! for her whose white robe of innocence became a filthy rag
46. Rev. Richard Barrett and spirit
47. Mr. Hudson and Thurston
48. M.A. (Oxon.) and recognised spirit
49. Alfred Russel Wallace, F.R.G.S., and his mother
50. W. Arbuthnot, Esq., his wife and child, with spirit
51. John Beattie, Esq., and his nephew
52. Mr. Glendinning and hovering spirit
53. George Sutherland, Esq., and his sister
54. Dr. Thomson (of Clifton) and his mother
Evenings at Home in Spiritual Seance
(First Series and Second Series)
by Georgiana Houghton
source: Chronicles of the Photographs of Spiritual Beings, Eh Britten, IAPSOP, Art Bouillon