Aimée, The Artist’s Wife by Hippolyte Flandrin, 1846
The portrait of his wife, Aimée, whom he married in 1843, is a fine example of his work at its most Ingresque. Perhaps as a tribute to his teacher, he chose a gesture that resembles in reverse the pose of the Comtesse d’Haussonville, which Ingres painted the previous year. In her left hand she holds a red carnation, symbol of steadfast love. In the background to her right is a richly decorated Louis-Philippe casket surmounted by a statue of Minerva and various pieces of pottery. To the right a 14th century Florentine or Sienese crucifixion hangs on the wall. In this very personal work Flandrin pays tribute to the things of this world that he most loves and enjoys.
source: Stephen Gjertson Galleries