Florence Nightingale by Lady Frances Parthenope Verney, ca. 1850
Photograph of a sketch of Florence Nightingale drawn by her sister Lady Frances Parthenope Verney. Nightingale is leaning against a low stone pillar to the left and is wearing a patterned shawl around her shoulders. Her small owl, Athena, is perched on top of the pillar. The original drawing is held by Hampshire County Council Archives.
Queen Victoria admired the work done by Florence Nightingale to improve nursing during the Crimean War, noting in her journal: ‘I envy her being able to do so much good and look after the noble heroes whose behaviour is admirable‘. She also supported Nightingale in practical ways, sending her cases of medical supplies and writing to senior military figures in the Crimea expressing her concern for the welfare of the troops.
source: the Royal Collection