1/9 plate Ambrotype of Hannah Stroude ~ ca. 1855
Head and shoulders of a woman with hair parted in the center and smoothed down over the head partially covering the ears, with wide dark and plaid ribbons showing from behind, wearing a pattern printed dress with matching dark-trimmed bretelles, a flat white collar that does not meet in the front, with a black ribbon wrapped about the neck and clasped at the throat with a small brooch, a light chain or cord tied about her neck. Preserver: Straight but more ornate (1850s). Mat: Oval with matte finish and ornate (late 1850s). Case: Leather-covered wood frame embossed with a geometric design both front and back, with exterior and interior gilded edge trim, a red velvet pinchpad, and a red velvet cushion embossed with an geometric design (ca. 1850).
Via: Historical Society of Pennsylvania